Exploration & Guidance Call
Need Some Help With Your Next Step?
Don't be a loser like Larry - book a call and let's explore your options instead!
Exploration & Guidance Call (EGC)
If you’re getting serious about moving forward with a project and looking to explore what your next move should be - we’re serious about helping you explore your options and dig deeper into what products, services, free content or third-party tools and resources might work for you too.
In line with symbiotic marketing principles - of course - our EGC’s are foremostly focussed on helping, guiding and building trust. And so we’ve no intention of blowing that by pushing, cajoling or manipulating you into anything you're just not that into. So, less closing, more helping is the order of the day.
And it’s a two-way street of course…
The purpose of these calls is, as it says on the tin: exploration & guidance. We need to explore what your unique challenges are, before we can effectively guide you to potential solutions. But it’s also an opportunity for you to explore if what we suggest is a good-fit for you too.
And we can only do that, by digging into what you need, why you need it and what you’re looking to achieve. You can only do that by digging deeper into what we do, how we do it and why. So this is a two-way conversation, not a 20-questions survey (although there will be questions going both ways of course).
Ultimately, when an EGC goes well, both parties come away feeling it was time well spent, because both now have a sense and understanding of, what the other is all about. Along with more clarity on what the next best steps could be - which we may or may not decide to take together of course.
Speaking of which, if you are ready to begin taking action, but you’re not quite sure where to begin, one step you could take is to click the button below, schedule an EGC and explore...
And of course, that comes with a cast iron guarantee - no 'salesman' will call.
Just choose an available date, and a time you'd like your 30 min slot to commence.
Once that's done, look out for an email confirmation and we're good to go.
The first call is FREE. But, no heavy breathing ok?
No calendar below? That sucks. Try here instead.
No time to suit? Send us a message - and let's see what we can do.