SAS Services

Digital Asset Delivery

If your funnel building plans have been visualised, but your digital assets have not yet actualised and you’d like to fix that with a realistic balance of budget, quality and time - you may be in luck…

SAS Digital Asset Creation & Delivery offers a one-stop pick-n-mix choice of Done With You & Done For You Services designed to get the most essential parts of your funnel designed, delivered and done (without breaking the bank in the process).

Homer's Web Page

Finding Your Digital Delivery Sweet Spot 

It’s an unfortunate truth that no matter how appealing the idea of symbiotic marketing may be, no matter how much talk there is about how the SAS might work for you, or how well designed your win-win relationship-building sales funnel is — non of it will count for much if you don’t have the time, skills or resources to actually deliver the infrastructure, digital assets, copy and content required to make it run effectively (and profitably).

Not to mention that it’s a rare entrepreneur indeed, who succeeds in planning, creating and piecing together all the jigsaw pieces of their funnel all on their own (at least in a way that’s both efficient and effective anyway). So chances are, no matter how smart, skilled or productive you are - if you want your digital assets designed, delivered and done in an effective and time-efficient manner - getting help in when needed pays for itself in the long run.

Having said that…

While it's prudent to acknowledge that - to make progress - entrepreneurs can’t afford to be too risk averse, the fact is, when you’re bootstrapping your way to your goals and ambitions, you also can’t afford to be too cavalier about how your time, money and resources are spent.

Key then being, finding the sweet-spot of budget, quality and time.

Which is why flexibility makes sense.

And which is why our SAS DWY & DFY Digital Asset Delivery may make sense as well.

To clarify…

Our definition of a digital asset is any piece of funnel infrastructure, delivery mechanism or content that is included in The Symbiotic Ascension System Blueprint.

However, because infrastructure and content require very different skillsets to pull off effectively (and efficiently), we also allocate the services we provide into two obviously distinct categories

Infrastructure: building, connecting and testing the containers and delivery mechanisms, such as landing pages, PDF’s, email automation, ad campaigns, etc.

Content: creating the words, visuals and video, that do the connecting, communicating and selling, such as squeeze/landing/sales page copy, email copy; blog, lead magnet and info-product content; video scripting or ad creative etc.

Then due to the SAS’s Digital Asset Delivery Service’s modular design, most of these digital assets can be delivered either via a DWY or DFY service or some combination in-between. Providing the freedom and flexibility to pay for what you need, save on what you don’t, relative to your schedule, skills, experience, budget and available time.

Done With You options allow you to tap into our experience and expertise for training, guidance, questions and feedback as you move forward on your own funnel building journey. 

Done For You options provide the opportunity to hand over responsibility for delivery to someone with expertise or more experience in the field as and when needed. 

So which way to go?

DWY options are mainly for those with some available time, some desire to build up their own (or their team’s) experience and skills, but also some money to allocate towards guidance, help and advice — if it means they can deliver the assets they need more effectively and efficiently.

DFY options are mainly for those who don’t have enough time, inclination or desire to DIY (or find, trial and hire freelancers for that matter) and recognise working on certain tasks is just not the best use of their time. Or are working to a tight schedule; need to clear a bottleneck or are just finding progress frustratingly slow. In which case, they decide it makes sense to allocate some money to ensure the job gets done efficiently, effectively and on time (while they get on with something more befitting their talents instead).

Remembering of course, whichever way you choose to go, you still have the flexibility to move between delivery options from module to module (including DIY with the aid of our processes as well) as you progress and budgets allow or it makes most sense for you.

Which is nice.

 Scroll down for our current list of digital asset creation and delivery services & prices...

The 1% Rule How To Fall In Love With The Process And Achieve Your Wildest Dreams By Tommy Baker

Of all the things that can boost emotion, motivation and  perceptions during a work day, the single most important is making progress in meaningful work. And the more frequently people experience that sense of progress, the more likely they are to be creatively productive in the long run.

Tommy Baker. The 1% Rule: How To Fall In Love With The Process.

Digital Asset Delivery Service List & Price Guide

All digital asset delivery services are modular by design for flexibility and waste-not-want-not purposes. Meaning, they can be purchased individually within a set package (which have discounts applied for more bang-for-buck value and simplicity) or a bespoke package on request.

All digital assets can also be delivered via...

DFY - We do everything for a set price.

DWY - We offer clear guidance on how to deliver via strategy, planning & review calls, along with access to our training, tools and processes (but you or a member of your team does the actual execution).

On the other hand...

It is possible to move from DWY to DFY, if you get stuck and need us to jump in or if time is of the essence and you have a deadline to meet via an Action Session or Move The Needle package.

Top Of Funnel (TOFU) List Building Services

- Table Of Contents -

INFRASTRUCTURE is defined as any asset that either contains content, facilitates content delivery or is technically required to connect assets or automate functions. Blank web pages, forms, PDF's & email automation are all infrastructure.

CONTENT covers the words, images, video or audio that communicates a message within the aforementioned containers.

A content container is defined as a digital asset intended to contain content (web page, PDF etc), but does not include the actual content (words, images, video etc).

A delivery mechanism facilitates content delivery or is technically required to connect assets or automate functions (forms, email automation, payments & digital delivery etc).

Infrastructure Guide Prices




A: Core Content Containers & Delivery Mechanisms





PDF Lead Magnet Layout, Export & Upload (From Template)



Squeeze Page Build & Publish (From Template)



Welcome Email Automation  x1











B. Integrations, Delivery Mechanisms & Testing





Confirmation Page, Download Pages & Forms 



Active Campaign Email Automation Onboarding & Set Up



Download Link Email Delivery



Connection Testing











C. Additional Options





Welcome Email Automation Sequence x3





Awareness Content (Blog Post Or Landing Page Build & Publish)





Blog/Landing/Squeeze Page Bespoke Design**





PDF Lead Magnet Bespoke Design**





Lead Magnet Cover & Hero Image Bespoke Design





PDF Editable Form Fields





Additional Options package prices relate to when you add one or more of these "additional options" to a package.

 **Bespoke design services are “starting from scratch” scenarios where no template is used and limited design guidance supplied.

All DFY prices assume you have or will provide content for us to add. If no content provided/you add it yourself you can subtract 20%.

All infrastructure prices are based on the use of Thrive Suite (web pages & forms), Active Campaign (email automation) or Visme (PDF & image design). It may be possible to build infrastructure using other tools (Canva or Elementor for example) but this may result in a 20-40% uplift in price.

We don’t undertake Clickfunnels projects.

Content Guide Prices




A: Core Copy & Content 





Lead Magnet Content Basic (Intro, Checklist, Summary)



Squeeze Page Copy



Welcome Email Copy  x1











A: Other Options





Customer Avatar





Squeeze Page Brief





Welcome Email Copy  x3





Confirmation, Download Pages & Form Copy





Written Content 1500 words





Written Content 3000 words





Written Content Brief





Combined Infrastructure & Content Guide Prices

infrastucrure & content



A: Core Copy, Content & Infrastructure





Complete PDF Lead Magnet Basic (Intro, Checklist, Summary) Including Set Up, Layout & Content





Complete Squeeze Page Copy & Construction





Complete Welcome Email Copy (x1) & Automation













A: Other Options





Complete Welcome Email Copy (x3) & Automation





Complete Confirmation, Download Pages & Form Copy, Construction & Connection





Complete Written Content (1500 words) & Page Construction





Complete Written Content (3000 words) & Page Construction





All package prices have a 20% discount applied.

DWY prices are generally based on DFY less 50% and include coaching/training/feedback calls and access to all our templates, briefs, processes and Standard Operation Procedures (SOP).

All prices are for ballpark median guidance. Your specific needs may alter final price, but the aim is to keep within 20% of listed prices. The above is not designed to be a definitive list of all services and pricing, but to act as a guide. If you have something not listed or more specific, we suggest you book a call to discuss in more detail.

All prices are based on new clients and so take into account onboarding & new project set up time, therefore it may be possible to reduce prices for returning clients.

Next Steps...

If you're ready to get cracking, simply complete the form below and we'll get back to you with next steps within 48 hours.

If you’re unclear about the best course of action, feel free to ask questions or book a free call to discuss (without any hard-sell).

No salesman will call and no payment requested until we get the green light for go.

Free Services

Ask A Question


Not ready to jump into bed onto a call or order a service just yet? We get that. In fact we don’t want to talk to you either. Well we do, of course, but only when you’re ready and it makes sense for us too. Win-win see?

That said, as we both know, over-thinking and under-doing doesn't get you very far and so...

The question then becomes what’s the smallest action I can take that will allow me to move forward today?

And one thing you absolutely can do, is consider what questions (well the answers at least) would you help you get moving and then fire-away.

This will not only help get the ball rolling for you, it also helps us understand how we may be of more specific use to you (and make some suggestions without any hard selling). And all without wasting too much precious time.

If that makes sense and you’re ready to make a start even in a very small way, fire away via the big button below and we’ll do our best to bet back to you within 2 days at the very least.

Exploration & Guidance Call (EGC)


If you’re getting serious about moving forward with a project and looking to explore what your next move should be - we’re serious about helping you explore your options and dig deeper into what products, services, free content or third-party tools and resources might work for you too.

In line with symbiotic marketing principles - of course - our EGC’s are foremostly focussed on helping, guiding and building trust. And so we’ve no intention of blowing  that by pushing, cajoling or manipulating you into anything you're just not that into. So, less closing, more helping is the order of the day.

And it’s a two-way street of course…

The purpose of these calls is, as it says on the tin: exploration & guidance. We need to explore what your unique challenges are, before we can effectively guide you to potential solutions. But it’s also an opportunity for you to explore if what we suggest is a good-fit for you too.

And we can only do that, by digging into what you need, why you need it and what you’re looking to achieve. You can only do that by digging deeper into what we do, how we do it and why. So this is a two-way conversation, not a 20-questions survey (although there will be questions going both ways of course).

Ultimately, when an EGC goes well, both parties come away feeling it was time well spent, because both now have a sense and understanding of, what each other's all about. Along with more clarity on what the next best steps could be - which we may or may not decide to take together of course.

Speaking of which, if you are ready to begin taking action, but you’re not quite sure where to begin, one step you could take is to click the button below, schedule an EGC and let’s explore...

And of course , that comes with a cast iron guarantee - no 'salesman' will call.


Over the years - ok decades - Nick Conneff has turned in his best work initially as a deep house DJ-turned-producer, then a property investor-turned-entrepreneur and he's currently turning his hand to helping like-minded individuals with conversion copywriting and digital marketing.He's nice like that.Currently, copywriting, landing pages, conversion optimisation, content creation (writing, video, audio), sales funnels, email marketing, traffic acquisition, and project management are all things he can lend a hand with.

Significant projects in the past have included running an independent record label and developing an education & welfare program in S.E Asia

He works both from his home in the UK and - when the weather takes a predictable turn for the worst - remotely from his home from homes in Chiang Mai & Manila

Young john lennon with 50's quiff.

“Life is what happen's to you, when you're busy making other plans” 

- John Lennon

Landing Page Hub

Get Things Started. Get Stuff Done.