Looking for strategies, tools and services to help you get a Squeeze Page that converts?
If you want to grow an email list into a reliable, income-generating asset, then you need a Squeeze Page that converts quality over quantity. That means ensuring your opt-in/subscription page connects with the right audience for you. Luckily, whether your Squeeze Page is up and running, but not converting or is something you’re still planning: that's something this post can help you do.
What follows is a range of efficient strategies, tools and services you can utilise to build a Squeeze Page that better connects, engages and converts - resulting in a quality-over-quantity mailing list with more opens, clicks and engagement over time.
If you aim for mass (another word for average), you’ll probably create something average. Which gets you not very far.
There may be strategies to build a money-making email list that can work. But...
There's always a but...
Despite what some internet guru "who was once just like you" may have told you, an automated money-making list is not the kind of magic trick you can pull off in one relaxed afternoon. There are many parts to fit together which collectively takes time, but the mechanics of that aside…
For the opt-in part of a Funnel to work, your copy, content and communication must congruently align to convince a specific target audience, what you have to offer can move them - even just a little bit - closer to where they want to be.
Which is quite a simple idea really.
If you can get this first touch right, you then have the opportunity to share things that are relevant, salient and offer value to them. Get this part right then some of them, may come to like you and trust you, which in turn - so the theory goes - means they may then be inclined to pay you something as well.
So, while the dream of an online business that makes money while you sleep, may, alas, not easily come true - if you have a Squeeze Page that speaks clearly and directly to the best audience for you, an income-generating list is an achievable get-to.
But (this is the important bit)...
If you don't want that first touch to be the last and you do want it to spark something mutually beneficial instead, you must be able to clearly communicate how your deeds meet their needs and do it in a way that can resonate and connect.
And to do that with success: any old Squeeze Page will not do.
But before you get the razor blades out, let me re-iterate the good news bit...
If you give this post five more minutes of your time (you can click straight to the bits most relevant to you), a way to ensure you do have a Squeeze Page that's optimised to convert, and you can grow an email list with the power to generate reliable income over time will open up to you - via simple processes, convenient tools and effective strategies that I actually use.
Start as you mean to go on…
If you’ve made a start; if you‘ve begun following the best practices contained in the free Squeeze Page best practice checklists or you’ve actioned one or more of the quick wins suggested here, you should be getting some traction, you should be building some momentum and you should be moving closer to a Squeeze Page that does convert. And even if things are not moving in quite the way you'd like them to (yet), as long as you are ready to take action, there is a route to the other side just waiting for you...
Route 1 is all about actioning the aforementioned quick wins to deliver the most bang-for-your-buck returns in the fastest possible way.
Route 2 introduces the step-by-step Squeeze Page process and toolkit I personally use to firstly, provide an exact place to begin, secondly, to keep me steadily, purposefully moving forward (using a simple, natural Q&A format) and thirdly, to ensure I have all the tools, templates, formulas and checklists ready to get the job started, keep it on track and get it done.
But enough about me...
Route 3 is for YOU if you don’t have the inclination or time for DIY. It’s a simple service that will get it quickly, efficiently and effectively Done For You (DFY).
Ultimately though, it's about the way that will work best for you. Which means choosing the route that can get you to a Squeeze Page that converts and an email list that works with the least possible delay.
Route 1: Squeeze Page Up and running, but still not converting? begin with A Quick Win
When resources get stretched, time is tight and there's a gazillion things to do, it makes sense to stop sinking precious time, money and resources into traffic until you have a Squeeze Page that will convert.
And so…
If you’re not sure where to begin, it's worth remembering - as mentioned in the Squeeze Page Quick Win Action Guide - when it comes to conversion-optimisation: small changes can have exponential impact. Which means a tidy little bang for your buck return could be only a few hours away, if - you choose to take action on one of the following quick wins today…
In 2011, Harvard Business Review (Amabile and Kramer, 2011) performed an extensive study on motivation in the workforce and concluded: Of all the things that can boost emotions, motivation, and perceptions during a workday, the single most important is making progress in meaningful work.
And the more people experience that sense of progress, the more likely they are to be creatively productive, which means even small wins can make a big difference to how people feel and perform in the long run.
Quick Win 1: Heading & Intro
Ensure your Squeeze Page's heading & intro quickly, simply connects by utilising the P>S>B formula to clearly communicate your Value Proposition.
A simple, clear Value Proposition can deliver a significant improvement in your bounce rate, simply by helping visitors quickly comprehend if it's worth their time to scroll down and see what else you have to say.
One of the simplest ways to ensure a promising start to your Squeeze Page is with a heading & intro that clearly and succinctly, acknowledges a problem, states a solution and provides a beneficial outcome.
Which is exactly what this simple formula can help you do...
Quick Win 2: Features & Benefits
Give your ‘so what’ features a bumper-boost by linking them to relatable, relevant tangible benefits your target audience will actually care about.
For your copy to be effective, you have to connect with your audience in a way that will actually resonate. This connection is not likely to come from features that seem 'so what' and are not clear about the tangible outcomes they can provide.
Luckily, there’s a deceptively simple ‘one little word’ copywriting trick that can quickly transform your ‘whatever’ features into beneficial outcomes that are relevant, will resonate and can trigger a response along the lines of “sounds good to me!”.
If that sounds good to you, you can...
Quick Win 3: Qualifying Statement
Wrap up the main body of your Squeeze Page using a Qualifying Statement that drives home the most beneficial outcome, focuses on what matters most and moves things forward in one seamless and natural flow.
This last conclusive statement - when done well - has the potential to land a final persuasive punch that leads your prospect naturally towards the CTA with a renewed spring in their trigger finger. And the good news is - if you’ve been following along - the core of this short but critical piece of copy is quite possibly, already done.
Click here to find out where this simplest of all quick wins may already be built-in
Quick Win 4: Call To Action
Turn the last hurdle into a final hurrah with the what + why check.
The words you choose for your CTA can mean the difference between a final do or a final die. The right words have the power to move hearts, minds and trigger fingers in the direction you want them to go. The wrong words can mean a last-minute stumble and final fatal fall.
No pressure then.
Well, maybe just a little. But luckily, there are two simple questions that can stack the odds of delivering the former and avoiding the latter firmly in your favour...
Find out how to apply the what & why of an effective CTA here
Lastly, but not leastly...
Quick Win 5: Hero Image
Make your first impression count by clearing up confusion, killing conflicts and ensuring your main image conveys what your Lead Magnet is all about.
As the your main image is likely to be the first thing a Squeeze Page visitor registers, it can tip the first impression scales either way. One way to nudge things in the right direction is to ensure your Hero compliments your Value Proposition without confusion, or conflict, and does so in a visually pleasing way.
Make the right first impression with the aid of the C&C check here
If your conversions are lacking and you’re fed up with faffing, then it’s time to action your first quick win without delay…
If the time is not quite right, you can always grab the PDF version of The Squeeze Page Quick Win Action Guide here and come back to it, when the time is right (but, actually, if you’re anything like me, probably just forgetting about it, right?).
If you’re still planning your Squeeze Page or want to create one from the bottom up based on solid conversion optimisation principles and best practices, then - as previously mentioned - the route 2 process and toolbox can provide everything you need to get you up to speed, organised and ready to go...
Route 2: DIY Squeeze Page From Scratch (When You’re Not Sure Where To Begin)...
Let me assure you - I feel that “where do I start?” pain, especially when it comes to copy and written content, because, quite honestly, writing is not a natural forte for me. Yes - shock, horror - it takes time and effort to - blushes - craft content this good.
The way it used to be (and still is, occasionally), was that I would begin sighing at a blank screen, scratching my head and thinking “er, how do I do this again?”. I'd lose hours going over previous work, reviewing educational material and digging into the darkest depths of my hard drive for templates and formulas, that I ‘knew’ I had somewhere.
That’s valuable time I can ill afford, wasted, knowing I’d done it all before, right?
But, that was then...
To dive straight in, the process is the thing
Now, when I get that groundhog day feeling again, that’s my signal to: document the process.
Admittedly, this can be a pain sometimes, but once it’s done, it’s done and it saves me a lot of head-scratching time in the long run.
The beauty of a documented process is, you don't waste time figuring out where to begin. The first task on the list is all you need to confidently dive straight in and you're soon back in the swing of the thing (“ahh, I remember, how this goes again”).
And so, if you're committed to growing your email list over time and you’re familiar with that ‘urgh, where do i begin’ feeling, you could put together a clear, repeatable, step-by-step Squeeze Page creation process yourself.
You could. But…
You don’t have to.
I’ve done it for you.
The Complete Squeeze Page Process & Toolkit
The process I’ve developed is simple to follow, time-efficient and includes a comprehensive set of exercises, templates, formulas and checklists that makes everything much simpler to do. It's an all-in-one toolkit designed to take any competent individual - no copy or design skills required - from the brainstorming of ideas; to the fine-tuning of copy; into the layout and design of a Squeeze Page that’s focussed on what’s actually important, relevant and salient to your target audience. Which in turn, can set you on a path to the growth of a leaner, cleaner, more engaged mailing list and many more satisfied customers down the line.
You can access (and benefit from) this simple step-by-step process & toolkit via...
5 Steps To A Squeeze Page That Converts
If you’re ready to get stuck in 5 Steps To Squeeze Page That Converts is a comprehensive process & toolkit neatly packaged into one interactive ‘fill-in-the-blanks’ PDF workbook that includes…
- What you need to do
- Why it needs to be done
- How to do it (with the aid of a simple Q&A process)
And for bonus points…
- Formulas to quickly hack simple, efficient, but highly effective copy drafts
- Templates to reduce distraction, deliberation and micro-managed decision making
- Checklists based on best practice optimisation principles to keep you on track and ensure you don’t miss anything
And a whole lot more, basically, everything you (or anyone on your team) will need to turn things around and get your Squeeze Page ideated, drafted, wire-framed and published.
A even faster way to go...
The best way speed up your turnaround - while also freeing up more time - is to use this process and its tools to more efficiently and effectively delegate.
Here's some suggestions on how you might go about that...
Writing: Complete the Q & A’s in the interactive workbook and "voila!" instant copy brief. Hand it over to any competent writer with the simple instruction of “here’s, what you need to know and here’s how I’d like it done”. You’ve now supplied everything they need to get started and get the job done with minimal to-and-fro, (which is a win-win bonus for you too).
Designing: Once a working draft is done, choose the type of Hero Image you want (product, process, outcome), then tell any designer “my image needs to compliment this copy, in this context”. Direct them towards the Hero Image Section of the workbook with the note “and I’d like it done with this guidance in mind”. An hour later and - Bob’s your Uncle - they’ll be good to go and you can get on with something more congruent with your no doubt considerable talents instead.
Or, if you really don’t feel inclined to DIY, then there’s always...
Route 3: Get Your Squeeze Page Done For You (DFY)
Remember, the process is the process, so with a little Q&A groundwork to begin, you can arm another - almost as amazing as you - person with all the information and tools required to get it done for you.
Any competent writer or designer should be able to help you of course, but if you don’t have suitably skilled freelancers or team members readily on call - or the precious time to find them and try them (urgh) - then...
As my team and I have intimate knowledge and experience of the copy and design process, we can not only get it done for you, we can get it done more efficiently for you - saving you time, money and headspace along the way.
Which is nice, right?
An efficient route to a Squeeze Page that converts and an email list that works is just one click away...
So there you have it. I hope I fulfilled my promise and was able to open up at least one route to the creation of a Squeeze Page that draws-in the kind of subscribers that result in an income generating email list over time.
But now dear sexy entrepreneur friend, it's over to you...
Whether your Squeeze Page is up and running but not quite working or you’re ready to begin building your email list from the bottom-up, you now have some clear routes that can get you there - without too much umming, ahhing and frustrating delay.
And don’t forget - as the first touch for your cold traffic - just how do or die your Squeeze Page can be. Every visitor costs you time, money or other resources, so it’s vital you can draw them in with something they’ll actually care about. Because if they bounce and go, they won’t be back anytime soon - that’s for sure.
On the other hand, this all-important entry point can deliver subscribers, who - with the right care and attention from you - progress into engaged and satisfied buyers, which in turn can deliver you a more sustainable, profitable business and crucial peace of mind over time.
So what will the next click on your quest for list building success be?
Route 1: Up and running, but not quite working? Click here to dig deeper into all 5 Squeeze Page Quick Wins.
Route 2: Ready to DIY it, but pondering how to do it? Click here to get the full lowdown on the Squeeze Page Workbook & Toolkit here.
Route 3: No time for DIY and want it Done For You? Click here to make a quick enquiry about a Squeeze Page Service.
But of course, whichever route you choose, just remember the most important thing is to…
5 Steps To A Squeeze Page That Converts...
A complete Squeeze Page Workbook, Template & Checklist Toolkit, that can logically guide you from initial ideas to fine-tuning of copy and onto the creation of visuals focussed on what’s actually important; relevant; and salient to your target audience.
The upshot being, you can consistently create Squeeze Pages that get heads nodding, hearts pulsating and minds racing in the direction you want them to go - while saving you time, money and resources along the way.
Which is nice, right?
Click here to get your editable PDF workbook with all the fill-in-the blanks exercises, templates and checklists you'll need to get your Squeeze Page on track, working and converting without delay.
Click here to get your fully editable PDF workbook & toolkit with all the fill-in-the blanks exercises, templates and checklists you'll need to get your Squeeze Page on track, working and converting without delay.
Click here to get your fully editable PDF workbook with all the fill-in-the blanks exercises, templates and checklists you'll need to get your Squeeze Page on track, working and converting without delay.